You can find all these studies by googling correlate PackRat PANCE scores. So while PackRat scores can be helpful, nothing is more anxiety alleviating than taking the exam and passing. That's because there are students whom do OK on PackRat and other exams but manage to fail the PANCE for a variety of reasons including lack of study focus and test anxiety. That study also looked at PackRat and 2 summative exams given during clinical year and doing well also correlated with doing well on PANCE but no magic # nor formula. Next study done 2013 noted PackRat score of 124 or above had 77% sensitivity and 83% specificity in passing PANCE.

Study done early 2000s said PackRat score of 111 was equal to PANCE score 350.ġ point increase in PackRat score above that equaled 5.74 point increase in PANCE score. PackRat exams floating around are now several years old and could actually contain information that is in error. Also they have different versions of PackRat now and each program gets them randomly. Helps protect the test bank they choose questions from. Now it is all done online, get feedback similar to PANCE and PANRE. PAEA stopped letting programs hand out old exams several years ago. Old packrats are on scribd, search for packrat.